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80 mm Lids for cups Bagasse (White)

Raw Materials

Alias: Plant Fiber With No Added PFAS. Bagasse. Khoi. Ganna. Sugarcane Pulp

  • Food Grade
  • Freezer Safe
  • Microwave Safe
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Regular price ₹96.00 INR ₹213.00 INR Sale price
Regular price ₹96.00 INR
54% OFF Sold out

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Request for Proposal (RFP)

A feature for business buyers to get custom quotes directly from our India-based factories, tailored to specified quantities, quality, design, and packaging.

  • Why Choose Sadho Compostable Lids: Made from 100% sugarcane fiber, our durable, microwave-safe elegant Lids offer a biodegradable alternative to plastic. 
  • Eco-Friendly: Free from harmful chemicals, these Lids decompose in 3-6 months, ensuring food safety and sustainability. Sadho Lids leave no harmful waste, supporting a cleaner environment. (Check How to dispose). 
    (Check How to dispose).
  • Certified Food Safe: US FDR certified for no harmful chemicals and no migration into the food.
  • Versatile Use: Our Lids are strong and reliable, perfect for any event—parties, weddings, camping, and more. For all types of food confirming with the barrier properties.
  • Value for Money: We're committed to providing high-quality products at fair cost that meet your needs.

Product Specifications

Grams per Unit : 2.5 Colour : White (Bleached)
Dimensions top LxW (mm) : 80 Dimensions base LxW (mm) : None
 Product Depth : none Thickness (mm) : None
Use : Hot, Cold, Wet & Dry Products
Lining/coating : None
Window Material : None
Inks : None
Home Compostable : Suitable for Composting
Industrially Compostable  : Suitable for Composting
Manufactured In : India


Customize Molds & Materials:Tailor your products with the different size, shape and eco-friendly materials like bagasse and recycled paper.

Personalized Labels & Printing: Add your logo, artwork, or custom design for a unique look.

Custom Packet Sizes: We offer flexibility in the number of pieces per packet, allowing you to choose the optimal quantity for your business.

Custom Carton Packaging: Choose from a variety of packaging options to enhance your product's presentation and customize your packaging for bulk and retail pack.


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